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			Barge - 

A flat-bottomed vessel for transporting freight in rivers or canals and which is usually towed or pushed by another craft.  Barge
Related Terms: Barge - canal | craft | freight | ship | transportation | vessel | water |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Barge - canal | craft | freight | ship | transportation | vessel | water |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Barge - canal | craft | freight | ship | transportation | vessel | water |
Web Search Wizard: Barge - canal | craft | freight | ship | transportation | vessel | water |

Boat -

A small vessel or craft that is usually open; or a vessel designed for use on inland rivers, lakes or waterways.  Boat
Related Terms: Boat - craft | inland waterway | vessel | water |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Boat - craft | inland waterway | vessel | water |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Boat - craft | inland waterway | vessel | water |
Web Search Wizard: Boat - craft | inland waterway | vessel | water |

Cargo -

The freight carred by a ship, aircraft, truck or other vessel or vehicle.
Related Terms: Cargo - aircraft | cargo handler | freight | ship | truck | vehicle | vessel |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Cargo - aircraft | cargo handler | freight | ship | truck | vehicle | vessel |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Cargo - aircraft | cargo handler | freight | ship | truck | vehicle | vessel |
Web Search Wizard: Cargo - aircraft | cargo handler | freight | ship | truck | vehicle | vessel |

Gross Tonnage -

The total carrying capacity of a vessel in units of 100 cubic feet.
Related Terms: Gross Tonnage - displacement | tonnage | vessel |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Gross Tonnage - displacement | tonnage | vessel |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Gross Tonnage - displacement | tonnage | vessel |
Web Search Wizard: Gross Tonnage - displacement | tonnage | vessel |

Ship -

The act of transporting goods or materials; or a vessel designed for ocean travel.  Ship
Related Terms: Ship - broker | cargo | carrier | consign | displacement | freight | goods | marine | ocean | shipment | shipper | transport | vessel |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Ship - broker | cargo | carrier | consign | displacement | freight | goods | marine | ocean | shipment | shipper | transport | vessel |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Ship - broker | cargo | carrier | consign | displacement | freight | goods | marine | ocean | shipment | shipper | transport | vessel |
Web Search Wizard: Ship - broker | cargo | carrier | consign | displacement | freight | goods | marine | ocean | shipment | shipper | transport | vessel |

Tonnage -

The displacement of a vessel in tons of water; or a duty charged per ton of cargo at a port, pier, dock or canal.
Related Terms: Tonnage - canal | displacement | dock | duty | pier | port | vessel |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Tonnage - canal | displacement | dock | duty | pier | port | vessel |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Tonnage - canal | displacement | dock | duty | pier | port | vessel |
Web Search Wizard: Tonnage - canal | displacement | dock | duty | pier | port | vessel |

Vessel -

A craft designed for water transportation.  Vessel
Related Terms: Vessel - craft | transportation | water |
LogisticsWorld Database Search: Vessel - craft | transportation | water |
LogisticsWorld Acronyms: Vessel - craft | transportation | water |
Web Search Wizard: Vessel - craft | transportation | water |

Search History: [ aerospace ][ Vessel ]

Unless otherwise indicated, all entries in the LogisticsWorld Logistics Glossary are copyright 1997, Matthew D. Cox,


WWW Virtual Library of Logistics
Ver 4, Sep, 1999, Matthew D. Cox,
Sponsored by LogisticsWorld.
Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 MDC, All rights reserved.